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A sensory approach...


December 2, 2022 | 8th of Kislev 5783 Parashat Vayetzei 5783 / פָּרָשַׁת וַיֵּצֵא

Dear Beit Rabban Community,

What a multi-sensory delight it was to be at school today! The incredible smell of preschoolers' challah baking wafted through the building. Delicious, buttery croissants were served at the fourth grader's Brunch with Rashi event in tribute to the great Torah commentator's French origins. Sounds of melodic Kabbalat Shabbat tefillot from our kindergarteners and raucous pre-Shabbat dance music in our middle school permeated the hallways. Beautiful self-portraits from our elementary schoolers, a Rosh Chodesh self-reflection tradition, grace our bulletin boards. And, the "good shabbos" handshakes from our eighth graders at the end of my Friday class with them were powerful and lengthy.

We often talk about our multi-sensory approach to teaching literacy. It's quite effective, and deserves its own email written by Ingrid! The multi-sensory experience of the moment-to-moment Jewish day school experience is also highly effective. It connects us to our community and to our shared traditions.

With Chanukah on the horizon, we look forward to welcoming many of you into this shared experience. We hope you will join us for the many melodic, delicious, and warm experiences (I can't promise anything about the smell- it's inconsistent in a school). Sign up to attend our community candle lighting, rsvp to join the Beit Rabban contingent at the Hadar Ensemble concert, and mark your calendars for the annual Light It Up! Shabbat B'Yachad assembly. All details are included below. We promise you a delightful experience for your senses- including, most importantly, a magical sense of community.

Wishing all a restful and rejuvenating Shabbat,


Tuesday, December 20

BRPA Community

Chanukah Lighting!

5:00PM @ Darom (South) Campus

15 West 86 Street, Social Hall

Please join us to light candles and share in the celebration.

Thursday, December 22

Annual Joey Weisenberg and the Hadar Ensemble Concert

7:30 PM @ B'nai Jeshurun

$18 per person, limited tickets available, first come first serve basis - Must Purchase By December 15

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